It is a wonderful and certainly memorable exprience to photograph this traditional village and people's way of living. While we are trying so hard for the concept of 0 wasting in the mordern world, it's been their traditional way for centuries. Julie and Yeshi certainly has a special skill of sharing stories beautifully. Taste Tibet on Amazon
Chogyal Rinpoche 曲迦仁波切
@Omega Institute, New York
BIA Foundations in Nepal
BIA nunnery
© Xiaoling Huang, Not An Illusion Photography 2017
Nino Mendes 2020 瑜伽工作坊
This is my 5th time in Nepal, and Sullivan’s 2nd time.
Both of us are growing here, faster than usual, I feel.
Riding along the Tea & Horse Caravan in Yunnan
Trip 1: Dali Caicun - Shaxi (center of Yunnan) 大理洱海西才村 - 沙溪,云南中部
end of June, monsoon season, but relatively dry this year
transportation: Yamaha 110cc gas motorbike 雅马哈轻摩/换挡半自动燃油摩托车
Shaxi was one of the important stops along the ancient tea road, aka Tea and Horse Caravan Road/chamagudao of Southwest China.
The Shepherd 孤独的牧羊人
Little Flower Projects 小花,北京福利院项目
a simple Friday morning and family meal.
In 738 AD the Nanzhao Kingdom was established with Dali as its capital and covered a large area of Yunnan and northern Burma and parts of Sichuan and Guizhou. The kingdom survived almost 200 years, after several decades of chaos the Kingdom of Dali emerged in 937.
Erhai Lake and the wind power 洱海生活, 风力和太阳能是重要能源