Christmas family cards designing, printing & sending service, birth announcements
2017 Gift cards/gift certificate 礼券
Birth Announcement / baby / Christmas Cards
order from Beijing/Guangzhou/Shanghai/Yunnan, China
we can design, print and send them for you
Holiday promotion:
place the same order, and receive 20% more 节日特惠,十送二.
Birth announcement cards
start from 8 cards, 5-6rmb / 0.8 - 0.96 USD per card;
9-24 cards, 4 - 5.5rmb / 0.65 - 0.89 USD per card;
24+ cards, 3.5 - 4.5rmb / 0.56 - 0.72 USD per card;
200+ cards, 0.9 - 1.5rmb / 0.15 - 0.24 USD per card.
Postcards sending service - send your holiday cards from China 名信片与代邮
1. About Postcard mailing service (with our cards)
7rmb - 1 postcard + 1 stamp (for mainland China)
8.5 rmb – 1 postcard + 1 stamp (for HK or Macau)
13.5 rmb – 1 postcard + 1 stamp (for overseas)
with envelop (0.2rmb more)
choose a card -> amount -> greetings -> email us ->receive an invoice from us -> payment on taobao / bank transfer / paypal
mailed to overseas - envelope included, multiple cards can be sent in one envelope, max 6 cards in one, additional cards we charge 3.5rmb each
mailed HK, Macau & Taiwan - envelope included, multiple cards can be sent in one envelope, max 6 cards in one, additional cards we charge 3.5rmb each
Translation service (English - Chinese, to be written on your card):
within 30 words, 7 rmb; within 50 words, 10 rmb (we don't suggest putting more than 50 words)
Estimated time needed:
5-10 days for mainland China
2-3 weeks for HK, Macau or Taiwan
3-4 weeks for overseas
Maximum two working days to process the order. Photo will be taken before the postcard is sent out, as a record, please let me know if you would like me to email you the photo record.
Please note that postcard delivery is not trackable, it's said that 70% of the postcards/mails in China get delivered properly, and there's a chance that they don't get received, we provide photo record to show that it's been mailed but we won't cover the loss when it's not received.
If you are concern, we are happy to arrange tracked mail for you, please contact us to get a quote of the additional cost for tracked mail.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Greetings
When you placed the order, please also send us the following information:
The name/code for the card you've chosen:
Name of Recipient(s):
Detailed address
Your name (as signature on the card)
6元 =一张明信片+一张邮票(大陆地区平邮)+ 问候语填写(中文)
7元 = 一张明信片+一张邮票(大陆地区平邮)+ 问候语翻译及填写(英文/English)
装信封套寄加 0.2元 (加信封投递成功率更高)
海外附加 6.5元邮资 (海外投寄为信封套装投递,可附上多张明信片,最多6张,邮资只算一次,多出的明信片按单价3.5元每张加收)
港澳台附加 1.5元邮资 (港澳台投寄也为信封套装投递,可附上多张明信片,最多6张,邮资只算一次,多出的明信片按单价3.5元每张加收)
整卡翻译服务(30中文字内加5元;50字内加7元)- 如果除了祝福语您还有想跟对方说的话,希望英文填写,本店提供翻译
明信片只是传达心意,明信片的物流是不可查的,可能会丢失,拍前请考虑好,丢失不补发; 据统计调查,邮政平邮的寄丢率大概是30%左右 所以可能会没有收到(小区一般都是放在门卫那),每次寄前都会拍照,如果没有收到请向我们所要寄前拍下的照片
收信人地址: 越详细越好, 这样才能提高投递的成功率。毕竟明信片上没有电话号码,邮递员无法电话联系你。

16. abandoned castle

Personalized Postcards, Christmas / New Year / holiday cards printing & sending service - minimum order 8 cards, sending from mainland China 节日卡片,圣诞卡,新年,家庭卡片定制与代邮 - 节日特惠,八张起,从云南大理寄出
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Order our Postcards from Taobao 从淘宝上支付
Postcards & Mailing service 明信片代寄信海外链接